Saturday, August 9, 2008

Fire Ring Extravaganza

This time Anurag was able to join us as we went to Nature Center for camp fire. We did it earlier this summer but Anurag was working that weekend so it was only half the fun. We did all the usual of the campfire - roasted marshmallows, made s'mores and enjoyed going on the trail and wooden bridges. We learnt that Hollywood is named after Holly shrubs around that area. We enjoyed looking at those attractive, shiny, dark green leaves and large, red berries. We saw massive Cacti plants, huge 2 foot diameter Aloe Vera plants, poison Oaks, Rosemary , Jojoba trees and some other interesting plants and shrubs. I found the Aloe Vera plant very interesting. It had big succulent leaves. We were told that Aloe flower nectar is hummingbird's favorite. Avi loved practicing his balance on the stone labyrinth while I enjoyed looking at the sole house sitting on the top of the hill, wondering about the view from there. When it got dark Neev kept pointing his finger at the moon and stars, saying 'there'.And I almost forgot to mention, when we were singing songs, they asked all the kids to join for 'Old McDonald had a farm.....'. When they asked Avi which animal would he sing for, he replied, 'rattlesnake'. Everyone laughed. You can't blame him as they have put rattlesnake's pictures everywhere mentioning its their natural habitat. He actually enacted it pretty well with the hissing sound :)

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