Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Steel Magnolias Farewell

It opened with a smash and last Saturday was sold out. Actors deserved all the accolades they got. Orange County Theater Company got compliments for its superior and professionally staged drama. It was a great experience for me being the Stage Manager for the show. I had such fun with this team. Made new friends and met some really nice and talented people. Tonight we all met for dinner and had a great time. We kept saying the lines from the play and kept laughing. We won't be rehearsing Steel Magnolias anymore but who knows.....may be something else. 

Irvine Global Village Festival

Haven't documented few things we did in last few weeks. 

On October 4th we went to Irvine Global Village Festival. Irvine's signature annual event, expanding awareness and highlighting the extraordinary diversity of this city. A chance to  explore more than 50 different cultures, sampling new foods, learning to belly dance, learning about world religions, experiencing the world without ever leaving Irvine. 

We loved that India had a huge presence in the festival. A lot of food sampling, HSS's small subset of the Hindu Exhibition and Surya Namaskar demonstration, Mandir's booth and my favorite - several Indian dance performances. It turned out to be perfect weather too. Avi and Neev enjoyed the shuttle ride. Avi wanted to know how long he'd have to wait to be a Police Officer so he could ride the cool electric scooters like them. He watched the Puppet show and listened to a story in Noah's ark. Neev loved running on the grass and we loved watching our little doll tumbling and toddling. It was Fun.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Back seat Driving

I have a back seat driver in my car. If you guessed my husband (usually is in most women's cases), sorry ! Its my 3.9 years old boy. Okay, so I have been sneaking a bit of driving wisdom while telling him about stop sign rules, slowing down on yellow light at the intersection and watching out for Pedestrian etc. (Just so he would imbibe it and it may come handy 13 years later when he starts learning driving ). I did not think he was paying much attention to it until recently when HE HAS  started giving me lessons on good driving.

While driving to drop him off at the preschool (8.15 AM) I reached for my insulated chai cup to take a sip and he said, 'that's a distraction Mommy, you should not do that when you are driving".

The other day I reached for my overhead sunglasses holder and fumbled to pull my shades and he said, "Mommy you should have both your hands on the steering wheel".

Another time I was the victim of bad timing judgement on my part and braked rather hard  when yellow light turned into red at the intersection (don't we all go thru' that- between slowing down/speeding up on yellow light sometimes) and he said.,"that was not very smooth Mommy , you should not do that" (that one was as cute as it was annoying and in that moment all I said was , "Uh Huh" ).

And today when I went to pick up Anurag from his office, I pulled up in the 'disabled parking spot' for just a minute. This owes an explanation -Anurag was already there at the office gate and I needed to spend just 10 seconds to change spots (Anurag prefers driving himself when he is in the car). To my son, time was not the matter, the matter was that I broke a rule. He said, "Mommy please don't do that again, that spot is for wheelchair people". Yes, he noticed the sign.   

And in the evening when I got ready to go to the rehearsal, he said "Bye Mommy , drive safe". 

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Sleep Sweetly Sleep

I love sleeping. I love naps. I don't like the idea of Power naps . I like my afternoon siesta stretched to 2 hrs. I love waking with a head clear of weight and feeling warm afternoon Sun on my cheeks and eyelids. Add a cup of ginger & clove tea  and that's my idea of life.  Heaven ! Well, close. Rewind 4 years of my life reel and it was not such a rare thing. I wasn't working ... actually could not work (forced decision because of my dependent visa status).  I blamed  my break on the government policy  and LIVED LIFE ! I stayed up late, woke up late and took naps. I did not know that it was God's way of compensation to what was  to follow. Four years and two kids later the idea of sound, uninterrupted sleep exists only in my fantasy . Familiar to many moms around the world,  here is my nightly schedule beating up the 'Sleep tight' stages of full night's rest-

Waking -
The waking stage is referred to as relaxed wakefulness, because this is the stage in which the body prepares for sleep. My relaxed wakefullness schedule after the kids have gone to bed - plop the notebook in my lap ,free of children only at this hour, check emails, replying to them or postponing replies to hop on cnn.com or msnbc.com to check the latest scoop on Sarah Palin (just kidding).  After realizing that nothing in the world outside my world has changed much from yesterday or day before, I decide to check tomorrow's calendar and get a head start on that - packing water and dry snacks in our Great Park sack (I love to use it for everything - from toting library books to groceries). Groceries on my list - I check to see if I have coupons for anything (yep ! I clip coupons ). Oh, Did I mention the dishes, leftovers and cleaning kitchen because sometimes I leave that for until after kids have gone to bed , to spend some more "meaningful time" with them. So, the relaxed wakefullness period .................ahem..........is not the onset of what's to come as next stage of sleep cycle. 

Stage 1 
Stage 1 sleep, or drowsiness - usually lasts for 5-10 minutes. When I should be taking cues to head to bed, I remember to brush my teeth and put my socks on. I approach my memory foam , my body and brain longing to shut the world up. As I lay down, ready to hit the stage 3 , my brain refuses to co-operate , it refuses to slow down. Instead its on lightening speed, flashing a gazillion images and thoughts. I beg for it to slow down, I somehow try to train it to not think, not at this hour anyway. It works as my muscles relax and my heart rate begins to slow down. Finally when I am ready to drift off, Neev who co-sleeps with me and is used to nursing on demand, wakes up and would not get back to sleep without a snack. There......my hard work at stage 1 sleep ....ha...ha !

Stage 2 
Stage 2 is a period of light sleep during which polysomnographic readings show intermittent peaks and valleys, or positive and negative waves. I am more than ready at this point and somehow manage to rest. 

Stages 3 and 4 
These are deep sleep stages, with Stage 4 being more intense than Stage 3. These stages are known as slow-wave, or delta, sleep.  Well, sometimes I sleep thru' it and sometimes not. 

Non-REM Sleep 
The period of non-REM sleep (NREM)is comprised of Stages 1-4 and lasts from 90 to 120 minutes, each stage lasting anywhere from 5 to 15 minutes. Surprisingly, however, Stages 2 and 3 repeat backwards before REM sleep is attained. So, a normal sleep cycle has this pattern: waking, stage 1, 2, 3, 4, 3, 2, REM. Usually, REM sleep occurs 90 minutes after sleep onset.

Some nights if I am lucky, I complete Non REM cycle and enter the next one but on most nights during this stage, Avi works his way to slip in family bed and the game of returning him to his bed starts which include bathroom break & massage of his back and feet (his favorite excuse to sleep in family bed - "my back and feet are hurting and they need a massage"). Trust me, we have already ruled out the possibility of this being true (with Doctor). 

Stage 5, REM 
REM sleep is distinguishable from NREM sleep by changes in physiological states, including its characteristic rapid eye movements. Intense dreaming occurs during REM sleep as a result of heightened cerebral activity. I am not even sure if I want to enter this cycle. Yep ....I don't want to dream....................most of the times they don't make any sense anyway and other times they are completely weird and if I manage to remember them , my next day is spent trying to analyze it and make heads or tails of it. So nope, I don't want dreams, I need sleep - good, long, unbroken, undisturbed and unending (I don't have a death wish, I just don't want a clock to govern it on some days). 

And before I know it............. tick tock, tick tock , its time to sing "Good morning, Good morning, Good morning to you. Our day is beginning , there's so much to do". 

There is so much to do. Ain't that true !

Wednesday, October 1, 2008


Yesterday evening we had the rehearsal for "Steel Magnolias" and Carine (who is playing Shelby's part) could not join us. Alba asked if I could read for Shelby and Hunter said yes. I have been watching these ladies at work for weeks now. They play the characters of 'Steel Magnolias' like the next best thing to movie stars and it's impossible not to get infected with their style. So......I read for Shelby and really enjoyed it. Hunter said "I was magical". Magical ! Not sounding egotistical but hey, that's a good complement. My evening was golden. 

Coming Friday we have the complete run thru' at actual stage and the show opens on Saturday - my first stage Management -I am excited.